Monday, February 2, 2009

Beginning the Adventure

I am a first time blogger. Until now blogging was never a consideration in my busy life. However I have become inspired by having a place to designate my curious thoughts and ideas. Though I do become overwhelmed with anxiety thinking about you all reading my words it is equally exhilarating at the same time.
At this point I've come up with lots of interesting topics to write about, but of course none of it will make sense without understanding a little bit of my perspective.
The short version:
I am 26 years old, recently divorced with two sons. They are 4 and 1 1/2. I am the eldest child of 4 children, 3 of which were male. I grew up loving the normal things and dealing with the same heartaches as everyone else.
I became a Political Science major my freshman year in 2000. (Yes I have been going to school for that long.....yes, just for my bachelors.) I decided I did not like math or science but was fascinated with power. And of course political science is all about power. How sexy.
So here I am close to the end of my undergrad years probably even more confused about life than I was before this journey began.
And now the curious souls begin their adventures...

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